Development of the Storyline

May 21, 2009

Storyline is’nt very important for my presentation as i am only showing an opening scene (where the viewer would have no idea what is happening until later on in the story)

But in a very brief and unformal way ill jot down some of my ideas (that probably arn’t very original).

Rough Outline of Story ( Ideas on paper basically)

OK so it is set far into the future. so far that everything from the 21st century are either in books or in museums (year 2511). obviously Technology is amazing and the way people live their lives through technology is a major influence in designing this world. It will be based on a character who is forced to hide his identity because his parents were both genetically engineered.His parents were created for the military along with millions of others (for a cold war or something) and were labeled Advanced Human Defence Soldiers and owned by powerful companies and hired in bulk to what ever country paid the most(US was the only conutry to hire them). They were made faster, stronger and smarter than a normal human being. Society didn’t like this, they were threatened by them. A law was signed almost straight after their creation that stated no G.E humans were aloud reproduce and if they did they would be killed along with the child. This law was’nt enough to satisfy most people and 12 years after the birth of the A.H.D.S they were ‘dismantled’. Of course this started an uprising from the G.E humans and they managed to take over military bases and held countries at gun point warning that if the law wasnt dropped they would Fire off nukes. But they got dominated, the military’s computers were hacked into and disabled any chance of a nuke firing. Robot Soldiers then went in to take down the resistance. They were only successful when they overwhemed the A.H.D.S with numbers.

governements don’t exist anymore ( well they do, just a tad different( even more corrupt) and they’re known as ‘systems’

It was almost impossible for the A.H.D.S’s to go into exhile because they were constantly being tracked by the mechanism that was born inside them. But it wasn’t impossible offspring of the g.e humans.  (this comic is set when there are still organisation of the systems hunting them down.)

security: it is law to wear a ‘secure’ bracelet on your arm. these work basically like barcodes. you are constantly being scanned when wearing one. every door will scan you as you walk in checking to see if you are a threat or not. this obviously would lower crime and all that jazz. but crimes are still at large. crims ( well anyone not wanting to be caught) can update their secure bracelets with fake i.d codes but they usually need to get them updated regularly because system departments use updaters to track the fakes (obviously im etting the idea from computers, something that i will always do when looking at this sci fi) . Since the G.E offspring wern’t registered when born they have to deal with this ‘secure’ issue all their life.

‘gangs make money out of selling fake secure id codes, it is an easy business for the  debt collecters because the clients can’t afford to not pay because they wont get their next id code which would result in ‘dismantlement’ by the system.

i could go on. i really could, i will metion one more concept.  Humans terraforming mars(making it livable for humans) but it is just recently colonised so there is millions of people a day immigrating to mars(because earth is an dirty unkept overpopulated planet). this brings in the idea of smuggling. but i also have an idea that it is a compalsery on-way-trip so if you go you and your family will never see earth again. (except for wat is shown on the meida.) this would mean the system would have complete control of communication and information between the two planets. this idea creates a lot of different scenarios that you could apply into this sci fi story. eg. a massive cover up; earthlings not knowing that there is a massive war going on on mars. all they hear is “mars is a paridice, come join us!” and when they get off the ship on mars BAM!! they are chucked into slavory or something (i dunno…)

ok enough talking shit…

Research for Story

my Project Drawing research last year helped me a lot. But apart from that i feel too hesitant to research any sci fi stories because they all just seem to be different verisons of mine. If i ever want to develop this firther im going to have to do some research that involves learning about sociology and systems of government. technology seems to come when you think logically. But yes with the story and with the more detailed stories (an episode) i will have to intensly look at comics for examples.

The story board of my comic:

This storyboard is about an insignificant character refered to as ‘Mr. Crow’,  this scene is basically showing the viewer that this comic is full of excitement! leaving them wanting the answer to why was mr. crow killed..



after creating my first page i realised how hard it was to compose the images into an interesting and effective page. I learnt pretty quick that it is really important to make a layout plan of the page before making the images.


these two are just the storyboards above dislpayed in a final page layout(minus like the last ten comic strips).

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