Comic Book Research

May 21, 2009

A massive  part of this assignment would have to be researching different comic books. I mean i can’t make a comic if i don’t know anything about comics. I am embarrassed to say that i only just bought my first comic (and read my firs) the 2nd week into this assignment. It was a Mirage Publishing comic called ‘Tales of the TMNT’. Yes I am definately a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles they are the shit, but i bought this specific comic because of the cartoon style. It has bold flat colours (unlike Marvels fully Glossed comics) and sharp fat black outlines. It is not a good example of the cartoon style that i am trying to copy but it was the closest i could find. The text was pretty…..normal, nothing special, it would be good to find a comic with some brilliant writers whch i can reference off. To find them i just need to go back to the comic store and get reading!

It is hard to find many comic books shown online because that would be giving their comics away for free, but i found a few that lets you have a little preview of their comic for adverisement (i assume.)

So these next comics weren’t read for any other reason other than they were the only ones i could find on the net..

Star Wars: Clone Wars Comic ( what a coincidence i bumped into another Star wars : Clone wars except as a differnt media etc. starwars must like me. i like starwars too, we should go out)

This site is acutally a really valuable resource. It is a site with previews of all the comics in the Star Wars: Clone Wars comic series. the Backgrounds in this one is very similar to my style of background i use.


here are some different styled Star Wars: CLone Wars comics


above: Story by Pablo Hidalgo. art by Grant Could letters by Grant could

this cartoon above shows the obvious construction of this comic. the outlines are definitely had drawn on a tablet. very simple. would be a great reference if i decided to draw cartoons with a freehand outline.



Above: story by Pablo Hidalgo, art by Thomas Hodges Letters by Grant Could

Im trying to be conscious of the lay out to all of these different comics, because not only do they have a different type of cartoon style they each have their own unique aesthetic. (well some look very similar, but that because they have the same people making them most of the time.)

This Comic page has a great layout.



ABOVE: story by Pablo Hidalgo, art by Jeff Carlisle, letters  by Grant Colud

I also have to look at the font style for these as well. it looks like the page layout is all the same really.. big boxes on a white background.


This has been a great reference. there are 138 pages on this starwars comic site, and every three or so pages you will get a different style of comic, brilliant!! It does seem a bit generic though, all the comics seam to have the same style of page layout…

I went to google to find some more interesting page layouts…


tribes- the dog years

‘Tribes-  The Dog years’ has that great composition of a image taking up the whole frame with some other images on top. mean.



I have to say this page layout by George Herriman is the most interesting one i’ve seen on the net so far. colours are great too.


George Herriman


this video is actually funny… its so old, and its got a mouse herling bricks at a cat wat more could you want


i really wana know what Takashi Murakami uses to make pictures like this one. is it done in photoshop? must be. also looks like it has been put into some 3d programme the wat the designs cover the curved shapes.  i should have looked more into this guy for character design..

One Response to “Comic Book Research”

  1. tomgarden45 said

    nope, its Adobe Illusrator

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