Investigation into life in the Future

May 26, 2009

For me to further my comic’s storyline i really have to create a complete world in the time zone i am looking at.  Im going to try to update this blog all the time with information that helps me understand ideas that are socially, politically and philosophically connected to my world which is set in the future year 2522.

Here are two great videos from tech enthusiest Kevin Kelly who talks about his ideas of  technology.

his talk about the evolution of the internet sparkd new ideas for my story. It got me looking at the internet the way he sees it being. Really powerful and our lives will completely be dependant on it. Everything we use and own will somehow be linked to the net. I began thinking.. yes security would be an obvious thing the internet would control but why couldn’t it also control the Laws of government. It could be a court judge, making logical judgements with outcomes more precise and acceptable than any human would make. And if thinking all of that, why couldn’t it be the government? Everything is connected to the internet so it would know everything!

The reason people wouldn’t eccept it would be because its too perfect. No one could take advantage of the system so there could be no corruption. If this was the case, a sci fi tail with a utopian government would be boring! So there has to be a breakdown somewhere to make conflict. But i am not for the idea of humans against machines because…if the human race didn’t have control, it would throw out all of my ideas, and i want to use this sci fi to investigate how humans would live with technology. Not how technology would live with humans (but that could be debatable in my comic). It would have the twist that Humans still controll the internet ( the rich corrupted businesses) and could still use the earth as a monopoly.

A time line of the internet system of government’s history would be something like this:

Internet government called ‘the system’ made.

followed by a lot of conflict and all of that jazz by people scared of control by machine.

then comes faith in the system for its success.

Then businesses would gain control of the ‘system’ and subtly use it for their own gain. This would soon become apparent to society but it would be totally hopeless to reject the ‘system’.

centuries would pass and it would still be the same. the utopia of the computer ruled world would be long gone and forgotten about in the eyes of society in my comic’s story.

Here is another talk by Kevin Kelly on the evolution of technology

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